Sunday, November 18, 2007

Serbian Hierarchal Liturgy at Russian Parish in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Honolulu, Hawaii - On Sunday November 11th 2007, with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop KYRILL of San Francisco and Western America; a Hierarchal Divine Liturgy was celebrated by His Grace Bishop MAXIM of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Western America ( at the Holy Theotokos of Iveron Russian Orthodox Church in Honolulu, Hawaii. Bishop MAXIM was joined by the parish rector, Priest Anatole Lyovin; the Administrator of the Serbian Community of Hawaii, Protopresbyter Blasko Paraklis; and Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Miroslav Dejanov who is on vacation in Hawaii from Vancouver, British Columbia. Vladyka MAXIM was in Hawaii to help re-start the St. Lazar Serbian Orthodox Mission Parish and to help reorganize the local Serbian Community.

Bishop MAXIM was greeted at the entrance to the Church by Parish Starosta Bosa Wiel with the traditional welcoming custom of bread and salt (Hawaiian sea salt was presented). The Hierarchal Divine Liturgy was celebrated in Slavonic, Serbian, Greek and English.

During Vladyka MAXIM’s sermon, he spoke of the historically close relationship between the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and the Serbian Orthodox Church, and of the love that exists between the two Churches till this day. He also spoke of his recent visit to Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, New York, and the joy it brought him to be at such a holy monastery in America. His Grace mentioned the blessing he received from Vladyka Metropolitan LAVR of New York on his Archpastoral ministry to the Serbian flock in Western America. Vladyka MAXIM also spoke of the glorious blessing it was to serve in the presence of two myrrh-streaming icons that were recently revealed to Hawaii’s Russian Orthodox parish.

Following the Bishop’s sermon the parish rector, Fr. Anatole Lyovin, said a few welcoming words to the visiting Serbian clerics. Fr. Anatole (who was raised in Yugoslavia and speaks fluent Serbian) welcomed the Serbs to the church and spoke of the joy of serving with His Grace and the fact that in such a small parish, God has graced the community with two miraculous icons (that occasionally stream myrrh). They streamed heavily during the Hierarchal Liturgy witnessed by all the faithful present. One of the icons is a copy of Brother Jose Munoz-Cortes' Montreal myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon, the other is a hand-painted Cross from Mt. Athos. Both icons began streaming myrrh on September 14/27 2007 "Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross". Fr. Anatole said this miracle is not just for the Russian Orthodox Community, but for all Orthodox Christians in Hawaii. He said the Serbs were always welcomed in the Russian Church. Myrrh from the icons were distributed to the visiting clerics and to the overflowing faithful present. Due to the amount of people the church doors had to be propped opened so that those in the courtyard could participate in the celebration. The local Russian Parish rents a small office space for their services. The Russian Orthodox Community does not own a church building of their own.

Gifts were exchanged between Bishop MAXIM and Priest Anatole Lyovin; food and drink were provided by the parishioners of the Russian Orthodox Community of Hawaii.

Vladyka MAXIM also celebrated a Hierarchal Divine Liturgy for the Serbian Orthodox Community at the local Greek Orthodox Church of Ss. Constantine and Helen on Saturday November 10th. The Russian choir from the Holy Theotokos of Iveron Russian Orthodox Church provided the singing.

Bishop MAXIM is fluent in five languages including Russian, Greek, Serbian, English and French. He is a professor of patrology at the Orthodox Theological Faculty in Belgrade.

Eis Polla Eti Despota Vladyka Maxim!
Photos courtesy of B. Paraklis and C. Yangson
For more information, please visit:

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Саопштење Светог Архијерејског Сабора, 14-25. мај 2007. године

Јубилеј Руске Патријаршије

У суботу 17. новембра 2007. године Његова Светост Патријарх московски и целе Русије Г. Алексије II служио је свечано бденије у храму Христа Спаситеља, уз саслужење великог броја јерараха из свих Православних помесних цркава. Иначе, тог дана се навршило деведесет година од како је на помесном сабору у Москви поново успостављена Патријаршија. У храму Христа Спаситеља 18. новембра 1917. године устоличен је новоизабрани Патријарх московски и целе Русије Тихон (Белавин), који је, да подсетимо, проглашен за светитеља 1989. године. После бденија говорио је о Светом Патријарху Тихону и свима препоручио да њега имају за образац у истрајности у вери.

Сутрадан, 18. новембра 2007. године Светјејши Патријарх Г. Алексије II служио је Свету Литургију уз саслужење Блажењејши Митрополит кијевски и све Украјине Г. Владимир, Митрополит санкт-петербуршки Г. Владимир, Митрополит мински и слуцки Г. Филарет, Егзарх све Белорусије; Митрополит крутицки и коломенски Г. Јувеналије, Митрополит смоленски и каљининградски Г. Кирило, Митрополит кишињевски и све Молдавије Г. Владимир, Митрополит Риге и све молдавије Г. Александар, Митрополит калушки и боровски Г. Климент и други представници Православних помесних Цркава. У беседи је Патријарх Алексије II говорио о личности Патријарха Тихона и његовом времену, а посебно је истакао његове подвиге који су допринели да Руска Црква опет буде Патријаршија. Патријарх се опет сетио и 17. маја 2007. година када је на амвону храма Христа Спаситеља потписан акт о успостављању канононског јединства унутар Руске Парвославне Цркве. Затим је Митрополит кијевски и све Украјине Г. Владимир поздравио Патријарха Алексија II и честитао њему и целој Руској Цркви овако важан и значајан јубилеј.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Patriarch Pavle receives assistance

14 November 2007 11:31 Source: Tanjug

BELGRADE -- Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Coast, has been appointed to assist Patriarch Pavle, who is hospitalized.Amfilohije, as the oldest member of the Holy Synod, will help in the discharge of daily duties at the Synod, Serbian Patriarchate Managing Board and the Archbishopric of Belgrade and Karlovac.The Serbian Orthodox Chuch said in a statement that the decision had been made by the Holy Synod, which also appointed Bishop Atanasije of Hvostan to assist Metropolitan Amfilohije in church affairs. The statement said that Church regulations did not mention the term deputy and added that it was "clear that in the case of the Patriarch's illness somebody has to replace or assist him." The statement said that this "does not prejudice the future election of the Patriarch in any way."

Courtesy of:

Friday, November 9, 2007

Прослављен празник Светог Димитрија у Новом Београду
8. новембар 2007

Његово Високопреосвештенство Митрополит црногорско-приморски Г. Амфилохије служио је данас, 8. новембра 2007. године, на дан Светог Великомученика Димитрија Солунског, Свету Архијерејску Литургију у цркви посвећеној овом светитељу у Новом Београду.
У својој надахнутој беседи многобројном верном народу, Митрополит Г. Амфилохије је истакао мученичку историју Цркве од апостолских дана до данас. Подсећајући на речи Светог Апостола Павла да се увек сећамо Господа, Митрополит Г. Амфилохије је рекао да је Света Литургија управо сећање на Господа, Живота и Спаса нашег Исуса Христа. Свети мученици, међу којима је и Свети Димитрије, примили су Христа Господа у себе, њиме живели, за њега умирали, због чега их је Господ овенчао венцем славе. Митрополит је говорио и о значају Светог Димитрија, хранитеља града Солуна, а свештеницима и парохијанима пожелео брз завршетак радова на овом, још увек недовршеном, храму.

После Свете Литургије, као и увек у велике празничне дане, братство цркве Светог Димитрија уприличило је богату трпезу љубави.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Two Orthodox churches in Prizren robbed

PRIZREN -- Unknown persons have removed 80 kilograms of lead plates from two Orthodox churches in Prizren, police in Kosovo say. The churches are dedicated to the Holy Virgin of Ljeviš and Holy Sunday, Kosovo Police Service (KPS) stated on Friday.According to the statement, the value of the lead plates is EUR 16,000. Constructors, who specified that 50 kg of lead plates worth EUR 10,000 were stolen from the Holy Virgin of Ljeviš on Thursday while 30 kg were removed from the Holy Sunday Church, reported the theft. The state television, RTS, quoted the provincial police as saying that an investigation is under way. During the March 2004 riots by ethnic Albanians, nearly all Orthodox churches in Prizren were burnt, while their reconstruction is still ongoing.

Courtesy of:

Friday, October 19, 2007

Orthodox church attacked in Kosovo

GNJILANE -- Police in Kosovo have confirmed that an explosive device was thrown at a Serbian Orthodox church in Gnjilane. The bomb, however, did not explode on impact, leaving only a black trace on the wall of the St. Nikola church, a Kosovo Police Service (SPC) spokesman in the area told journalists. KFOR, UNMIK police and KPS came out in force to block the part of the town where the church is located. Serb sources in town say that two Molotov cocktails were in fact thrown at the Orthodox temple.

Source: B92 News

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Divine Liturgy and Memorial Service at the Diocesan Days, Saturday, September 1, 2007

Divine Liturgy and Memorial Service at the Diocesan Days, Saturday, September 1, 2007

У суботу, 1. септембра 2007. године, у оквиру Епархијских дана, у Џексону је служена Божанска Литургија са парастосом Архимандриту Севастијану Дабовићу. Литургијско славље је предводио Митрополит Средњезападноамерички Христофор, уз саслужење Митрополита Јосифа (Бугарска Патријаршија), Архиепископа Кирила (Руска загранична Црква), Епископа: Иринеја Аустралијско-Новозеландског, Порфирија Јегарског и Максима Западномеричког као и многобројног свештенства првенствено из Западноамеричке, али и многих других епархија и православних јурисдикција. Све епархије Српске Православне Цркве у Америци и Канади биле су заступљене кроз присуство свештенства и народа. На Литургији је џексонски ђакон Трива Павлов унапређен у чин протођакона. Свечану и веома надахнуту беседу у спомен и част Оца Севастијана изговорио је Епископ Иринеј (AUDIO).Литургији је претходио дочек земних остатака О. Севастијана на капији мисије Светог Саве у Џексону, одакле је литија кренула према скинији испод које је служена Литургија. Ковчег су носили свештеници оних парохија које је пре читав један век основао овај велики Мисионар и Апостол Православља на Америчком континенту (о. Стеван Тумбас из парохије Светог Саве у Џексону, о. Петар Јовановић из парохије Светог Саве у Лос Анђелесу, о. Расел Радојичић из парохије Свете Тројице у Бјуту, Монтана, и о. Илија Балаћ из парохије Светог Саве из Сијетла, Вашингтон). Све време службе ковчег је био отворен, а после Парастоса благочестиви народ је имао прилику да целива Архимандрита Севастијана.Потом је у Цркви Светог Саве, првом српском храму на америчком континенту (1894), после краћег помена одслужен мали помен, а ковчег са остацима свештеномонаха Севастијана је положен у посебан гроб унутар цркве. Епископ Максим је том приликом поздравио присутне архијереје, свештенике и народ и изразио захвалност свима који су допринели овом великом догађају. Мали помен у мисији Светог Саве служен је и задужбинарима Тодору и Анђи Полић. У поподневним сатима, Епископ Порфирије је у оквиру конференције "Породични живот" одржао запажено предавање “Христос и деца”. После вечерња је уследила вечера за сав присутни народ. О детаљима Епархијских дана видети ПРОГРАМ.Новински чланак у the Sacramento Bee.


See also:

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


This year’s pilgrimage was the fourth consecutive one, since the canonization of Bishop Nikolai (Velimirovic) as a Saint in the Serbian Orthodox Church. With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher of Midwestern America the pilgrimage is held each year following the feast of the Holy Apostles Sts. Peter and Paul at St. Sava Monastery in Libertyville.

This year’s pilgrimage was held on Sunday, July 15, 2007. Taking into consideration the importance of the all-Serbian event, the Divine Liturgy is not served in the parishes of the Chicago and Milwaukee deaneries, rather the priests, together with their respective flock, attend and partake in the spiritual activities dedicated to this great hierarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Organizers for this event were V. Rev. Dr. Milos Vesin, parish priest in Lansing and professor at the Theological Faculty in Libertyville and Fr. Radovan Jakovljevic, director of Christian Education for the Metropolitanate of Midwestern America.

The Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was served by His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher, His Eminence Archbishop Job (OCA), His Grace Bishop Longin (New Gracanica Diocese) and His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan (Eastern Diocese), assisted by ten priests and two deacons.

V. Rev. Milos Vesin delivered the homily at the Divine Liturgy, speaking on the evangelical theme of the healing of the two blind men. The theme of the sermon was that with sincere faith all things are possible. Prota Milos illustrated the significance of faith in our lives, using the examples from the lives of the believing people. The sermon, both in Serbian and English, had a positive affect on all those in attendance. The choir from the neighboring parish of St. Vasilije of Ostrog in Lake Forest sang the responses during the liturgy.

Following the liturgy His Eminence the metropolitan noted that on this occasion diplomas were to be given to those students of the Theological Faculty who have completed their studies. At that time Metropolitan Christopher stressed that while the theological schools after WWII were closed in the homeland the theological school at St. Sava Monastery in Libertyville was the only one in operation. Bishop Nikolai, who came from the Dachau concentration camp in Germany, led the theological school and made his mark during his stay at the St. Sava Monastery. Unfortunately, continued the metropolitan, this fruitful time of the work of Bishop Nikolai was not in the latest documentary film about the bishop. This is truly not an honor to those who produced the film.

Four students received their diplomas this scholastic year. The diplomas were given by professor of the Theological Faculty His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan. Afterwards Metropolitan Christopher greeted the students and wished them much success in their pastoral work in the Lord’s Vineyard. The hymn “God grant you many years” was sung in honor of the students.

Following the distribution of the nafora the clergy and faithful gathered before the tomb of Bishop Nikolai, where an Akathist was served to the Saint, served by four hierarchs and the celebrating priests. Once again the choir from St. Basil of Ostrog sang the responses.

A lunch was served by the Federation of Serbian Sisters along with volunteers who prepared the tradition BBQ lamb in the picnic pavilion afterwards. A program followed immediately, led by V. Rev. Milos Vesin who greeted the guests and pointed out the significance of this spiritual gathering as well as the role that Bishop Nikolai played in the life of the Serbian Orthodox Church. He then introduced the speaker for this year’s pilgrimage His Grace Bishop Mitrophan.

Both in English and Serbian Bishop Mitrophan spoke on the unpublished letters of Bishop Nikolai, most of them written later in his life. It was truly touching to listen to the words of this Serbian golden-mouth, who in those letters and spiritual counsels showed such love towards his people and homeland. This beautiful lecture found a special place in the hearts of the listeners. The bishop received a well deserved applause.

The folklore group from St. Archangel Michael Serbian Church in Lansing, Illinois performed a medley of traditional Serbian dances, which was enjoyed by everyone.

Special guests from Serbia attended this year’s pilgrimage – The Brkic Trio: Slobodan, Vera and Nada with their parents. For a number of years this trio has been performing at our churches in this country. They performed traditional and church and ethno-Serbian songs. All were amazed with the musical talents and the selection of songs. Fr. Vesin informed everyone of the situation that this trio finds itself in. By an accident of the doctor two of them were blind from birth but there is still hope that their sight will be restored. For a number of years now they have been in consultation with well known physicians in Boston and now they are traveling to San Francisco where they will begin a very complicated operation. Fr. Vesin made appealed to all Serbs to pray sincerely to God that through the medical means sight might be restored to the Brkic brother and sister. God grant it a success.

At the end of the program the children’s orchestra from the St. Sava summer camp performed a few selections. It should be noted that children were arriving that day for the camp which began on that day. The program was finished at five o’clock in the afternoon, after which Vespers was served.

His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher thanked all the hierarchs and clergy who took part in the service and participated in the program. He also thanked the faithful people who took part in this significant annual pilgrimage. The parishes that organized buses for transportation as well as the choir from the St. Basil of Ostrog should also be mentioned.

Parishes from the Chicago and Milwaukee deaneries, as well as throughout the territory of not only the Metropolitanate but the entire Serbian Orthodox Church in the US and Canada are asked to stress the significance of the pilgrimage to St. Nikolai, that the number of participants might be greater by tenfold in the years to come. The faithful from the New Gracanica diocese are also asked to take part in this significant all-Serbian spiritual manifestation.

Holy Bishop Nikolai pray to God for our Serbian people!

V. Rev. Nedeljko Lunich